Posted by: Tom Duch | February 24, 2010

Royals mascot accused of battery with…a hot dog?

The Kansas City Royals are being sued for negligence and battery thanks to their mascot Sluggerrr the Lion and his trigger-happy finger while manning a hot dog gun. The plaintiff actually claimed that it was Sluggerrr’s reckless throwing of the hot dogs that caused his eye injury, and is suing for $25,000.

This is a mascot folks, and by the looks of him, he’s not throwing Zack Greinke heat. Now the question enlies, will the Royals get rid of the hot dog gun at Kauffman Stadium or simply ban Sluggerrr from throwing 90 mph weiners into the crowd. I vote to keep the gun because who doesn’t love a firearm that shoots delicious frankfurters?

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